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The Early English Organ Builders


F. Rimbault

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ISBN-13/EAN: 978-0-9528184-2-7
ISBN-10: 0-9528184-2-6
Title: The Early English Organ Builders
Author: F. Rimbault
Price: US$20.95
Description: This book is about the Old English Organ Builders, from the fifteenth century until the Great Rebellion (English Civil War). It is based on the text of a lecture given at the [Royal] College of Organists on November 15th, 1864.
Pages: ix 109
Availability: In Stock
Format: Hard Back (Library Quality Cloth) A6
Published: 1997
Language: English
Publisher: Bardon Enterprises
Cover: Cover

Biography of Dr Edward F. Rimbault

Rimbault, Dr Edward Francis. F.S.A. (1842), Ph.D. (Göttingen), Ph.D. (Stockholm, 1842), Hon.LL.D. (Harvard, 1848). Pupil of his father; of Samuel Wesley and Dr Crotch. Organist of the Swiss Church, Soho, London, 1832; St. Peter’s, Vere Street, London. A founder of the Musical Antiquarian Society, 1840. Composed an operetta, songs, &c. Wrote about musical history, &c. Son of Stephen Francis Rimbault. b. Soho, London, England, June 13th, 1816; d. Regent’s Park, London, Sep. 26th, 1876.

Biographical information courtesy of © 2024


"Far more interesting than may at first appear from the | Books | F. Rimbault | The Early English Organ Builderss and authors" - Dr Brian Hicks - The Organ, Autumn 1997

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