Bardon Music > Books > The Poetical Works of Gilbert West

The Poetical Works of Gilbert West

with life of the author

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ISBN-13/EAN: 978-0-9528184-7-2
ISBN-10: 0-9528184-7-7
Title: The Poetical Works of Gilbert West
Price: US$31.95
Description: This book contains the poetical work of Gilbert West, comprising: On the Abuse of Travelling, in Imitation of Spenser; Education, in Imitation of Spenser; The Institution of the Order of the Garter; Elegy on a Blackbird; Father Francis’ Prayer; An Inscription on the Cell; An Inscription in the Cell; Inscription on a Summer-house.
Pages: viii 115
Availability: In Stock
Format: Hard Back (Library Quality Cloth) A5
Published: 1999
Language: English
Publisher: Bardon Enterprises
Cover: Cover

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