Bardon Music > Books > Illustrations of Baptismal Fonts

Illustrations of Baptismal Fonts

with an introduction by R. A. Paley

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ISBN-13/EAN: 978-0-9528184-9-6
ISBN-10: 0-9528184-9-3
Title: Illustrations of Baptismal Fonts
Price: US$49.95
Description: This book describes 124 baptismal fonts that can be found in our churches dating back to the “Early Norman” period and continuing to the “Perpendicular” period. Each font described is illustrated by an engraving.
Pages: vii 249
Availability: In Stock
Format: Hard Back (Library Quality Cloth) A5
Illustrations: 124 b&w
Published: 2000
Language: English
Publisher: Bardon Enterprises
Cover: Cover

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