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Pilgrimages to English Shrines


Mrs S. C. Hall

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ISBN-13/EAN: 978-1-902222-07-3
ISBN-10: 1-902222-07-5
Title: Pilgrimages to English Shrines
Author: Mrs S. C. Hall
Price: £41.95
Description: This book is the first collected edition containing essays which were originally published in the Art Journal between the years 1849-1852. It describes visits to:- The Birth-Place of Thomas Chatterton; The Tomb of Thomas Gray; The House of Andrew Marvel; The Church of St. Andrew Undershaft, the Tomb of John Stow; The Tomb of John Kyrle; The Grave of Sir Richard Lovelace; The Grave of Lady Rachel Russell; The Monument of Wren; The Grave of William Penn; Shrines in Buckinghamshire; The Garden of Sir Thomas More; The Grave of Edmund Burke; A Day at Chatsworth; The Village of Eyam; The Grave of Grace Aguilar; Chertsey and its Neighbourhood. Which were undertaken by Mrs Hall and friends, at a time when many of the locations were beginning to disappear, and gives an insight into early Victorian pastimes.
Pages: iv 300
Availability: In Stock
Format: Hard Back (Library Quality Cloth) A5
Illustrations: illustrated
Published: 1999
Edition: Edition in book form of series of articles in the Art Journal, 1849-52
Language: English
Publisher: Bardon Enterprises
Cover: Cover


The Birth-Place of Thomas Chatterton.
The Tomb of Thomas Gray.
The House of Andrew Marvel.
The Church of St. Andrew Undershaft, the Tomb of John Stow.
The Tomb of John Kyrle.
The Grave of Sir Richard Lovelace.
The Grave of Lady Rachel Russell.
The Monument of Wren.
The Grave of William Penn.
Shrines in Buckinghamshire.
The Garden of Sir Thomas More.
The Grave of Edmund Burke.
A Day at Chatsworth.
The Village of Eyam.
The Grave of Grace Aguilar.
Chertsey and its Neighbourhood.

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