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The Influence of the Organ in History


Dudley Buck

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ISBN-13/EAN: 978-1-902222-28-8
ISBN-10: 1-902222-28-8
Title: The Influence of the Organ in History
Author: Dudley Buck
Price: £6.95
Description: This book is the text of the inaugural lecture given by Dudley Buck to the department of organ of the music college in the University of Boston.
Pages: iii 26
Availability: In Stock
Format: Paper Back A5
Published: 2005, rev. 2012
Language: English
Publisher: Bardon Enterprises
Sample Page: PDF
Cover: Cover

Biography of Dudley Buck

Buck, Dudley. Pupil of J. C. Babcock (piano); studied at Trinity College, Hartford, Connecticut; the Leipzig Conservatory, 1858-59, with Moritz Hauptmann (composition), Ernst Friedrich Richter, Plaidy (piano) and Moscheles (piano); in Dresden, 1860, with J. Schneider (organ) and J. Rietz (instrumentation); in Paris. Assistant organist of St. John’s, Hartford, Connecticut, -1858; organist of the North Congregational Church, Hartford, Connecticut, 1862; the Park Church, Hartford, Connecticut, 1862; St. James’, Chicago, Illinois, 1867-71; Boston Music Hall, Massachusetts, 1872-74; St. Paul’s, Boston, Massachusetts, 1872-74; St. Ann’s, Brooklyn, New York, 1875-77; Holy Trinity, Brooklyn, New York, 1877-1902; the Plymouth Church, Brooklyn, New York, 1902-03. Taught at the New England Conservatory, 1872-74; assistant conductor to Theodor Thomas, 1875; taught at the Metropolitan College of Music, New York City, 1885; 1888-99; founded the Brooklyn Apollo Club; a founder of the American Guild of Organists; president of the American Guild of Organists, 1896-99. Composed oratorios, operas, anthems, orchestral music, &c. b. Hartford, Connecticut, U.S.A., Mar. 10th, 1839; d. Orange, New Jersey, Oct. 6th, 1909.

Biographical information courtesy of © 2024

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