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Memoirs of the Musical Drama


George Hogarth

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ISBN-13/EAN: 978-1-902222-31-8
ISBN-10: 1-902222-31-8
Title: Memoirs of the Musical Drama
Author: George Hogarth
Price: £43.95
Description: This book chronicles the history of Opera up until 1830s, starting at the origin of Opera in Masques, Moralities and Mysteries in the 15th century. It covers the art in France, England, Germany and Italy. Composers, singers and authors included are :- Quinault, Fontenelle, La Fontaine, Lulli, Rameau, Ben Jonson, Alfonso Ferabosco, Nicolo Laniere, Milton, Matthew Lock, Dryden, Purcell, Scarlatti, Caldara, Lotti, Vivaldi, Mattheson, Keiser, Metastasio, Handel, Goldoni, Galuppi, Terradellas, Perez, Logroscino, Tesi, Faustina, Cuzzoni, Farinelli, Senesino, Caffarelli, Gizziello, Carestini, Guarducci, Durastanti, Guadagni, Mingotti, Gabrielli, Lavinia Fenton, Thomas Walker, Jeremiah Clarke, Thomas Augustine Arne, John Beard, Cecilia Young, Boyce, Michael Arne, Piccini, Sacchini, Anfossi, Traetta, Guglielmi, Sarti, Paesiello, Cimarosa, Zingarelli, Gluck, John Christian Bach, Naumann, Misliwiczek, Haydn, Mozart, Rameau, Rousseau, D'Hele, Dalayrac, Gossec, Salieri, Beau-marchais, Mehul, Cherubini, Catel, Berton, Le Sueur, Boieldieu, Hérold, Auber, Meyerbeer, and Halévy.
Pages: X 240
Availability: Amazon Kindle E-Book
Format: Hard Back (Library Quality Cloth) 175 x 250 mm (10 x 7 in)
Illustrations: 8 b&w sepia tinted
Published: 2016
Edition: New edition in one volume containing both volumes of the 1838 edition, with added index
Language: English
Publisher: Bardon Enterprises
Cover: Cover

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