Bardon Music > Organ Sheet Music > Composers S to Z > S. Gatty Sellars

Organ Sheet Music

Compositions by S. Gatty Sellars

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Biography of S. Gatty Sellars

Sellars, Samuel Gatty. Chorister at Peterborough Cathedral. Organist of Spalding Parish Church; the Crystal Palace, London; at the Kingsway Hall, London; recitalist. b. Louth, England, 1878; d. Kings, New York, U.S.A., Feb. 13th, 1947.

Biographical information courtesy of © 2025

Sellars, Samuel Gatty (1878-1947)
An Evening Idyll BE01735 In preparation
At the Temple Gates BE01768 In preparation
Fancies BE01767 In preparation
Title: Idylle
Composer: S. Gatty Sellars
Price: US$9.49
Availability: In Stock
Pages: 7
Format: Portrait - 9” x 12” paper-back
EAN/ISMN: 979-0-2067-1736-9
Published: 12-Jan-2021Add to basket
BE01736 US$9.49 add
Overture Fantastique BE01738 In preparation
Repose BE01737 In preparation

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