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Catechism of the Organ


John Hiles

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ISBN-13/EAN: 978-1-902222-22-6
ISBN-10: 1-902222-22-9
Title: Catechism of the Organ
Author: John Hiles
Price: £28.95
Description: This book outlines in question and answer format ; the construction, history, and the playing of the organ ; it also describes the various organ stops, and contains a number of specifications of organs in Germany, England and France.
Pages: vii 156
Availability: In Stock
Format: Hard Back (Library Quality Cloth) A5
Illustrations: 27 diagrams
Published: 2005
Language: English
Publisher: Bardon Enterprises
Sample Page: PDF
Cover: Cover

Biography of John Hiles

Hiles, John. Organist of St. John’s Chapel, Shrewsbury, -1852; St. Julien’s, Shrewsbury, -1852; Shrewsbury Music Hall, -1852; St. Thomas’, Portsmouth, 1852-1860; All Saints’, Brighton, b1864-a1868; in London. Composed piano pieces, songs, &c. Wrote books about music. Brother of Dr Henry Hiles. bap. Shrewsbury, England, Dec. 30th, 1810; d. Kensington, London, Feb. 4th, 1882.

Biographical information courtesy of © 2024

Table of contents :-

I. Of the organ in general.
II. The organ stops.
III. The interior of the organ.
IV. Of the pipes and their constituent parts.
   1. Flue-pipes.
     Stopped pipes.
     Measure, or scale, of the pipes.
   2. Reed-pipes.
V. Of the wind-chest.
VI. Of the manuals and their connexion with the wind-chest.
VII. Of the registers, or stops.
VIII. Of the bellows, wind-trunks, and their connexion with the wind chest.
IX. Of the stops of an organ, and their character.
   Flue-work stops.
     a. Diapason-work.
     b. The flute-work proper.
     c. The stopped, or covered, pipes.
     d. Flue-work stops of peculiar and distinctive character.
     e. Flue-stops, of various lengths.
   Reed stops.
   Mixture stops.
X. Descriptions of various english and foreign organs.
XI. Upon the characteristic differences of the manuals.
XII. Of the art of registering.
XIII. General principles about playing on the organ.
XIV. Upon the pneumatic lever ; or, the pneumatic work.
XV. Upon intonation, temperament, tuning, and the sounds of the organ.
XVI. Upon defects or interruptions in mechanism, and their remedy.
XVII. Upon the origin of the organ, and its history.

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