Bardon Music > Bücher > Organ Stops and their artistic registration

Organ Stops and their artistic registration


G. A. Audsley


ISBN-13/EAN: 978-1-902222-23-3
ISBN-10: 1-902222-23-7
Titel: Organ Stops and their artistic registration
Autor: G. A. Audsley
Preis: nicht verfügbar
Beschreibung: This book contains descriptions, construction details, and offers ideas for the use of the various stops or voices in an organ. To supplement the volume, a completely new index of names and places has been added.
Seiten: xi 293
Auslieferbar: nicht verfügbar
Format: Hard Back (Library Quality Cloth) A5
Illustrationen: diagrams
Datum: 2005
Sprache: English
Verlag: Bardon Enterprises
Probeseite: PDF
Umschlagseite: Umschlagseite

Einschätzungsrate: starstarstarstarstar

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