The Bardon Music House Organ


GREAT (tracker)
1.Open Diapason856 metal (zinc bass in fascade)
2.Clarabella844 wood + 12 stopped wood
3.Dulciana844 metal + wood bass from 2
4.Principal456 metal (zinc bass in fascade)
5.Flute444 metal + 12 stopped wood
6.Clarinet8 tenor c44 spotted metal
Swell to Great
SWELL (enclosed) (tracker)
7.Lieblich Bourdon1656 wood
8.Open Diapason844 metal + 12 stopped wood
9.Stopped Diapason856 wood
10.Salicional844 spotted metal + wood bass from 9
11.Voix Celeste8 tenor c44 metal
12.Principal456 metal
13.Cornopean856 metal
14.Oboe856 metal
Octave Coupler
PEDAL (pneumatic)
15.Bourdon1630 wood
16.Subbass16from 7
17.Bass Flute812 wood + bass from 15
Swell to Pedal
Great to Pedal
Wind pressure - 2¾”; 25 bass pipes of Pedal Bourdon - 4”.
Total number of pipes - 778


1866-1900Bevington & Sons, LondonOp. 770Location unknown
1900-1927Builder unknownCentral Hall (Wesleyan), Fraton Road, Portsmouth
1928-2001Sweetland Organ Co., BathEastney Central Hall (Methodist), Highland Road, Eastney, Portsmouth
2001-2007In storage
2007-Installed in present location

Historical notes

Original Bevington instrument had a Mixture III (possibly comprised 12-15-17) on Swell instead of Voix Celeste.

Great Flute 4 ft (treble) and Swell Oboe was changed at a rebuild; Swell Diapason and Principal rescaled.

Bardon Enterprises