Bardon Music > Bücher > Hymn-tune – Bible Index

Hymn-tune – Bible Index

A biblical text to hymn-tune cross-reference


W. B. Henshaw


ISBN-13/EAN: 978-1-902222-54-7
ISBN-10: 1-902222-54-7
Titel: Hymn-tune – Bible Index
Autor: W. B. Henshaw
Preis: nicht verfügbar
Beschreibung: A biblical text to hymn-tune cross-reference comprising the biblical passage (book, chapter and verse) and a hymn text (first line and meter) that is based upon that text. It would be of use to clergy, organists and other lay people who have to select appropriate hymns and music for worship, or for use in other settings. It has been compiled from sources in the Anglican, Baptist and Methodist hymn books.
Auslieferbar: Amazon Kindle E-Book
Format: E-Book
Datum: 2018
Auflage: First
Sprache: English
Verlag: Bardon Enterprises
Umschlagseite: Umschlagseite

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