Bardon Music > Books > Dictionary of Musical Terms

Dictionary of Musical Terms

Originating from Italian, French, German, English, and other languages


John Hiles


ISBN-13/EAN: 978-0-9528184-1-0
ISBN-10: 0-9528184-1-8
Title: Dictionary of Musical Terms
Author: John Hiles
Price: Unavailable
Description: This book contains an explanation of the various technical terms used in music, as they occur in the works of the most eminent classical composers and theoretical writers, both ancient and modern; descriptions of the various voices and instruments, and of the names and qualities of the different organ stops, both English and Foreign.
Pages: viii 349
Availability: Amazon Kindle E-Book
Format: Hard Back (Library Quality Cloth) A6
Published: 1997
Language: English
Publisher: Bardon Enterprises
Cover: Cover

Biography of John Hiles

Hiles, John. Organist of St. John’s Chapel, Shrewsbury, -1852; St. Julien’s, Shrewsbury, -1852; Shrewsbury Music Hall, -1852; St. Thomas’, Portsmouth, 1852-1860; All Saints’, Brighton, b1864-a1868; in London. Composed piano pieces, songs, &c. Wrote books about music. Brother of Dr Henry Hiles. bap. Shrewsbury, England, Dec. 30th, 1810; d. Kensington, London, Feb. 4th, 1882.

Biographical information courtesy of © 2024

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