Organ voicing and tuning
Table of contents
- Organ construction in brief.
- Tools for voicing and tuning.
- Remarks on materials used for pipes, pressure and pitch.
- Voicing metal work.
- Chamber scales, Principal, Open Diapason, Fifteenth, Twelfth, Mixture, Dulciana, Violin Diapason, Viola di Gamba, Gemshorn, etc.
- Voicing stopped and flute work, wood and metal. Bourdon, stopped Diapason, Gedact, Lieblich Gedact, Clarabella, Harmonic Flute, Clarionet Flute; Pedal stops, wood and metal. Bourdon (1), Bourdon (2), Violoncello, Fronts, Directions for setting out an 8-ft. rod.
- The management of Reed Stops, with Organ voicing and tuning. Tuning, bearings or temperament. How, and in what order to tune the various Stops.

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