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The Organ and Its Position in Musical Art


H. Heathcote Statham

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ISBN-13/EAN: 978-1-902222-25-7
ISBN-10: 1-902222-25-3
Title: The Organ and Its Position in Musical Art
Author: H. Heathcote Statham
Price: €38.95
Pages: xvi 225
Availability: In Stock
Format: Hard Back (Library Quality Cloth) A5
Illustrations: 1 sepia photograph, 1 drawing, musical examples
Published: 2005, rev. 2009
Edition: New edition of 1909 edition
Language: English
Publisher: Bardon Enterprises
Cover: Cover

Biography of H. Heathcote Statham

Statham, Henry Heathcote. Organist of St. Jude’s, Whitechapel, London (15 years). Architect and writer. Father of Dr Heathcote Statham. b. Everton, Liverpool, England, Jan. 11th, 1839; d. Torquay, May 29th, 1924.

Biographical information courtesy of © 2024

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